Jethro Tull z razkošnim ponatisom koncertnega albuma “Bursting Out”!
Jethro Tull, britanske agrarne ikone progresivnega rocka, nadaljujejo s ponatisom svojih albumov! Na vrsto je prišel eden najbolj razvpitih koncertnih dokumentov, ki so izšli v ob koncu sedemdesetih, to je Jethro Tull koncertni album “Bursting Out”. Gre za koncertno klasiko iz leta 1978, ki bo doživela 21. 6. 2024 ponatis pri založbi Rhino Records. Ponatis bo poosebljal zaboj šestih zgoščenk s ‘posodobljenim’ naslovom “Bursting Out: The Inflated Edition”.
“Bursting Out”, ki je torej originalno izšel leta 1978, je bil posnet na različnih koncertnih prizoriščih evropskega dela takratne “Heavy Horses” turneje. Kot uči zgodovina je prvi natis tega albuma za Kanadski, Španski in Švedski trg povzel naslov narobe. Namesto “Bursting Out”, se je prikradla pri tisku napaka, album pa se je tako nehote preimenoval v “Busting Out”.
Ponatis bo vseboval tudi knjižico na 96. straneh, polno fotografij, intervju z Ianom Andersonom o ozadju nastajanja tega odličnega koncertnega albuma, podatke o turneji ter komentarje dveh članov turnejske ekipe, ki je spremljala Jethro Tull, Kennyja Wyliea in Davida Morrisa.
Ponatis “Bursting Out: The Inflated Edition” lahko že prednaročite.
“Bursting Out: The Inflated Edition” je torej šesterni zaboj! V njem bodo trije CD-ji in trije DVD-ji. Zaboj vsebuje stereo-remiks, ki ga je opravil Steven Wilson, posnetke ‘soundcheckov’ in urejeno verijo nastopa skupine iz leta 1978 na newyorškem prizorišču Madison Square Garden, ki je bil izdan že leta 2009, v tem zaboju pa poseduje osvežen zvočni miks s strani Wilsona. Tu je še verzija albuma obdelana v 5.1 ‘surround’ zvočni tehniki ter celoten 93. minutni koncert iz Madison Square Gardna vključno s preko 50. minut dolgim filmom, ki je bil del globalnega prenosa s strani BBC in Radio 1 v zvočnih obdelavah 48/24 stereo in 5.1 surround.
Jethro Tull: Bursting Out: The Inflated Edition
Disc 1
1.Claude Nobs – Introduction by Claude Nobs (Live) [2024 Remaster]
2. No Lullaby (Live) [2024 Remaster]
3. Sweet Dream (Live) [2024 Remaster]
4. Skating Away (On the Thin Ice of the New Day) [Live] [2024 Remaster]
5. Jack-in-the-Green (Live) [2024 Remaster]
6. One Brown Mouse (Live) [2024 Remaster]
7. Heavy Horses (Live) [2024 Remaster]
8. A New Day Yesterday (Live) [2024 Remaster]
9. Flute Solo Improvisation / God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen / Bouree (Medley) [Live] [2024 Remaster]
10. Living in the Past (Live)
11. Songs from the Wood (Live) [2024 Remaster]
12. No Lullaby (Live)
13. Sweet Dream (Live)
14. Heavy Horses (Live)
15. Botanic Man (Live)
16. 4.W.D (Low Ratio) [Live]
Disc 2
1. Thick As a Brick (Live) [2024 Remaster]
2.Hunting Girl (Live) [2024 Remaster]
3. Too Old to Rock ‘n’ Roll: Too Young to Die! (Live) [2024 Remaster]
4. Conundrum (Live) [2024 Remaster]
5. Minstrel In The Gallery (Live) [2024 Remaster]
6. Cross-Eyed Mary (Live) [2024 Remaster]
7. Quatrain (Live) [2024 Remaster]
8. Aqualung (Live) [2024 Remaster]
9. Locomotive Breath (Live) [2024 Remaster]
10. The Dambusters March (Live) [2024 Remaster]
11. Conundrum (Live)
12. Quatrain (Live)
13. The Dambusters March (Live)
Disc 3
1. Sweet Dream Fanfare (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
2. Sweet Dream (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
3. One Brown Mouse (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
4. Heavy Horses (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
5. Thick As a Brick (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
6. No Lullaby (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
7. Flute Solo Improvisation (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
8. Songs From the Wood (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
9. Quatrain (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
10. Aqualung (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
11. Locomotive Breath (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
12. The Dambusters March (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
13. A Single Man (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
14. Too Old to Rock ‘n’ Roll: Too Old to Die! (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
15. My God (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
16. Cross-Eyed Mary (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978)
1. Claude Nobs – Introduction by Claude Nobs (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
2. No Lullaby (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
3. Sweet Dream (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
4. Skating Away (On the Thin Ice of the New Day) [Live] [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
5. Jack-in-the-Green (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
6. One Brown Mouse (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
7. Heavy Horses (Live) [96/24 Stereo]
8. A New Day Yesterday (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
9. Flute Solo Improvisation / God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen / Bourée (Medley) [Live] [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
10. Living in the Past (Live) [96/24 Stereo]
11. Songs from the Wood (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
12. No lullaby (Live) [96/24 Stereo]
13. Sweet Dream (Live) [96/24 Stereo]
14. Heavy Horses (Live) [96/24 Stereo]
15. Botanic Man (Live) [96/24 Stereo]
16. 4.W.D (Low Ratio) [Live] [96/24 Stereo]
17. Claude Nobs – Introduction by Claude Nobs (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
18. No Lullaby (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
19. Sweet Dream (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
20. Skating Away (On the Thin Ice of the New Day) [Live] [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
21. Jack-in-the-Green (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
22. One Brown Mouse (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
23. Heavy Horses (Live) [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
24. A New Day Yesterday (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
25. Flute Solo Improvisation / God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen / Bourée (Medley) [Live] [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
26. Living in the Past (Live) [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
27. Songs from the Wood (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
28. No lullaby (Live) [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
29. Sweet Dream (Live) [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
30. Heavy Horses (Live) [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
31. Botanic Man (Live) [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
32. 4.W.D (Low Ratio) [Live] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
33. No Lullaby (Live) [Flat Transfer]
34. Sweet Dream (Live) [Flat Transfer]
35. Skating Away (On the Thin Ice of the New Day) [Live] [Flat Transfer]
36. Jack-in-the-Green (Live) [Flat Transfer]
37. One Brown Mouse (Live) [Flat Transfer]
38. A New Day Yesterday (Live) [Flat Transfer]
39. Flute Solo Improvisation / God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen / Bourée (Medley) [Live] [Flat Transfer]
40. Songs from the Wood (Live) [Flat Transfer]
41.Thick As A Brick (Live) [Flat Transfer]
1. Thick As A Brick (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
2. Hunting Girl (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
3. Too Old To Rock ‘n’ Roll: Too Young To Die! (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
4. Conundrum (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
5. Minstrel In The Gallery (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
6. Cross-Eyed Mary (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
7. Quatrain (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
8. Aqualung (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo] Locomotive Breath (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
9. The Dambusters March (Live) [2024 Remaster] [96/24 Stereo]
10. Conundrum (Live) [96/24 Stereo
11. Quatrain (Live) [96/24 Stereo]
12. The Dambusters March (Live) [96/24 Stereo]
13. Thick As A Brick (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
14. Hunting Girl (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
15. Too Old To Rock ‘n’ Roll: Too Young To Die! (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
16. Conundrum (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
17. Minstrel In The Gallery (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
18. Cross-Eyed Mary (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
19. Quatrain (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
20. Aqualung (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
21. Locomotive Breath (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
22. The Dambusters March (Live) [2024 Remaster] [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
23. Conundrum (Live) [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
24. Quatrain (Live) [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
25. The Dambusters March (Live) [DD & DTS 5.1 Surround]
26. Hunting Girl (Live) [Flat Transfer]
27. Too Old To Rock ‘n’ Roll: Too Young To Die! (Live) [Flat Transfer]
28. Conundrum (Live) [Flat Transfer]
29. Minstrel In The Gallery (Live) [Flat Transfer]
30. Cross-Eyed Mary (Live) [Flat Transfer]
31. Quatrain (Live) [Flat Transfer]
32. Aqualung (Live) [Flat Transfer]
33. Locomotive Breath (Live) [Flat Transfer]
34. The Dambusters March (Live) [Flat Transfer
1. Sweet Dream Fanfare (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
2. Sweet Dream (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
3. One Brown Mouse (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
4. Heavy Horses (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
5. Thick As A Brick (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
6. No Lullaby (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
7. Songs From The Wood (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
8. Quatrain (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
9. Aqualung (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
10. Locomotive Breath (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
11. The Dambusters March (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
12. A Single Man (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
13. Too Old Too Rock ‘n’ Roll: Too Old To Die! (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
14. My God (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)
15. Cross-Eyed Mary (Live at Madison Square Garden October 1978) (Music Video)