Pantera z jubilejnim ponatisom “Reinventing the Steel” albuma!
Pantera bo deležna ponatisa svojega zadnjega studijskega albuma “Reinventing The Steel”, ki je izšel pred 20. leti!
Za ponatis albuma bo poskrbela založba Rhino Records 30. 10. 2020, pri čmer bo na razpolago tudi verzija albuma, ki vsebuje neizdanih miks dolgoletnega producenta skupine Terryja Datea.
“Reinventing The Steel: 20th Anniversary Edition”, bo izšel kot trojni CD. Vseboval bo remasteriziran zvok originalnega albuma in dodatne skladbe, ki veljajo za raritete. Vrhunec tega ponatisa je novi miks Terryja Datea, ki je produciral Panterine albume: “Cowboys From Hell” (1990), “Vulgar Display Of Power” (1992), “Far Beyond Driven” (1994) in “The Great Southern Trendkill” (1996). Album bo na voljo tudi na digitalnih platformah. Tri skladbe z novim Datovim miksom so že dostopne na medmrežju. Skladbe “Revolution Is My Name”, “Death Rattle” in “We’ll Grind That Axe For A Long Time”, lahko poslušate spodaj.
“Reinventing The Steel: 20th Anniversary Edition” bo izšel tudi kot dvojni vinilni LP, z novim Dateovim miksom albuma na prvem vinilu, medtem ko bo na drugi vinil dodanih 8 raritetnih skladb. Vinilni ponatis albuma bo omejen na vsega 5.000 kopij in bo dostopen 8. 1. 2021.
Reinventing The Steel: 20th Anniversary Edition (3CD):
CD1. (New Terry Date Mix):
01. Hellbound
02. Goddamn Electric
03. Yesterday Don’t Mean Shit
04. You’ve Got To Belong To It
05. Revolution Is My Name
06. Death Rattle
07. We’ll Grind That Axe for a Long Time
08. Uplift
09. It Makes Them Disappear
10. I’ll Cast a Shadow
CD2. Original Album Remastered:
01. Hellbound
02. Goddamn Electric
03. Yesterday Don’t Mean Shit
04. You’ve Got To Belong To It
05. Revolution Is My Name
06. Death Rattle
07. We’ll Grind That Axe for a Long Time
08. Uplift
09. It Makes Them Disappear
10. I’ll Cast a Shadow
Bonus Tracks
11. Goddamn Electric – Radio Mix
12. Revolution Is My Name – Radio Edit
13. I’ll Cast A Shadow – Radio Edit
14. Goddamn Electric – Radio Edit
CD3. (Non-Album Tracks & Covers):
01. Avoid The Light
02. Immortally Insane
03. Cat Scratch Fever
04. Hole in the Sky
05. Electric Funeral
Instrumental Rough Mixes
06. Hellbound *
07. Goddamn Electric *
08. Yesterday Don’t Mean Shit *
09. You’ve Got To Belong To It *
10. Revolution Is My Name *
11. Death Rattle *
12. We’ll Grind That Axe for a Long Time *
13. Uplift *
14. It Makes Them Disappear *
15. I’ll Cast a Shadow *
*… neizdane skladbe
“Reinventing The Steel: 20th Anniversary Edition” (2LP):
LP 1: New Terry Date Mix
Stran A
01. Hellbound
02. Goddamn Electric
03. Yesterday Don’t Mean Shit
04. You’ve Got To Belong To It
05. Revolution Is My Name
Stran B
01. Death Rattle
02. We’ll Grind That Axe for a Long Time
03. Uplift
04. It Makes Them Disappear
05. I’ll Cast a Shadow
LP 2: Bonus Tracks
Stran C
01. Avoid the Light
02. Immortally Insane
03. Cat Scratch Fever
04. Hole In The Sky
Stran D:
01. Electric Funeral
02. Goddamn Electric – Radio Mix
03. Revolution Is My Name – Radio Edit
04. I’ll Cast a Shadow – Radio Edit