Prihaja masivni zaboj “Rush 50”

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Rush, nepozabne kanadske progresivnorockovske legende, so na YouTubu objavili nov reklamni videoposnetek, ki si ga lahko ogledate spodaj in ki najavlja izid dolgo pričakovanega zaboja “Rush 50”, s katerim bo skupina proslavila pol stoletja delovanja in ki bo izšel 21. marca pri založbi Universal.

Novi komplet vsebuje sedem doslej neizdanih skladb in kup materiala, ki še nikoli ni izšel na vinilki ali zgoščenki. Med neobjavljenim materialom so Bad Boy, Garden Road in Anthem z nastopa v Agora Ballroom (Cleveland, Ohio, avgust 1974), alternativna verzija skladbe The Trees ter medley skladb What You’re Doing, Working Man in Garden Road z zadnjega koncerta skupine v Forumu (Los Angeles, avgust 2015).

Zaboj pooseblja super-deluxe antologijo 50-ih skladb, ki zajema celotno kariero skupine. Ti komadi bodo izšli v formatusedmih Deluxe Edition LP-jev, štirih Deluxe Edition CD-jev in digitalno. Na voljo bo tudi ekskluzivna izdaja “A Rush Store Super Deluxe Edition”.

Zbirka vključuje tudi novo umetniško delo ob 50. obletnici, ki ga je ustvaril dolgoletni sodelavec skupine Hugh Syme, in 104-stransko knjigo v trdi vezavi z novimi ilustracijami pesmi, fotografijami in spremnimi besedami, ki sta jih napisala Philip Wilding, specialist za progresivni rock in klasični rock, in David Fricke, ki piše za revijo Rolling Stone.

Zaboj Super Deluxe CD/LP bo vseboval tudi 20 novih litografij z ilustracijami pesmi vsakega izmed studijskih albumov skupine ter 100-stranski roman v trdi vezavi “The Fullness of Time”, v katerem se Geddy Lee in Alex Lifeson spominjata kariere skupine.

“A Rush Store Super Deluxe Edition” bo vsebovala tudi štiri bonus litografije, ki jih je na novo ilustriral Fantoons iz likov, ustvarjenih za roman, ki prikazujejo skupino v različnih obdobjih njene kariere

Ta masivni zaboj lahko že prednaročite.

Rush: Rush 50
Super Deluxe Edition

CD 1
1. Not Fade Away**
2. You Can’t Fight It**
3. Working Man (Vault Edition)**
4. Need Some Love (Live at Laura Secord Secondary School, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada – May 15, 1974)**
5. Before And After (Live at Laura Secord Secondary School, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada – May 15, 1974)**
6. Bad Boy (Live at Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, Ohio – August 26, 1974)*
7. Garden Road (Live at Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, Ohio – August 26, 1974)*
8. Anthem (Live at Electric Lady Studios, New York – December 5, 1974)*
9. Fly By Night
10. Bastille Day
11. 2112: Overture / The Temples Of Syrinx
12. By-Tor & The Snow Dog (Live at Massey Hall, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – June 11-12-13, 1976)
13. Something For Nothing (Live at Massey Hall, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – June 11-12-13, 1976)

CD 2
1. Closer To The Heart
2. Xanadu (Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, United Kingdom – February 20, 1978)
3. Drum Solo (Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, United Kingdom – February 20, 1978)
4. The Trees (Vault Edition)*
5. La Villa Strangiato (Live at Pink Pop Festival, Burgemeester Damen Sportpark, Geleen, Netherlands – June 4, 1979)
6. In The Mood (Live at Pink Pop Festival, Burgemeester Damen Sportpark, Geleen, Netherlands – June 4, 1979)
7. The Spirit Of Radio
8. Natural Science (Live at Manchester Apollo, Manchester, United Kingdom – June 17-18, 1980)
9. A Passage To Bangkok (Live at Manchester Apollo, Manchester, United Kingdom – June 17-18, 1980)
10. Tom Sawyer
11. Limelight (Live at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – March 24-25, 1981)
12. Vital Signs (Live at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – March 24-25, 1981)

CD 3
1. YYZ (Live at The Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada – March 27, 1981)
2. Subdivisions
3. Red Sector A
4. Witch Hunt (Live at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – September 21, 1984)
5. New World Man (Live at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – September 21, 1984)|
6. The Big Money
7. Time Stand Still
8. Distant Early Warning (Live at NEC Arena, Birmingham, United Kingdom – April 21-22-23, 1988)
9. Superconductor
10. Dreamline
11. Stick It Out
12. Test For Echo
13. The Rhythm Method (Live at World Music Theatre, Tinley Park, Illinois – June 14, 1997)

CD 4
1. One Little Victory (Remixed)
2. Cygnus X-1 (Live at Maracanã Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – November 23, 2002)
3. The Seeker
4. Between The Wheels (Live at Festhalle Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany – September 24, 2004)
5. The Main Monkey Business
6. Workin’ Them Angels (Live at Ahoy Arena, Rotterdam, Holland – October 16-17, 2007)
7. Freewill (Live at Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio – April 15, 2011)
8. Red Barchetta (Live at Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio – April 15, 2011)
9. Headlong Flight
10. Manhattan Project (Live at US Airways Center, Phoenix, Arizona; American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas; AT&T Center, San Antonio, Texas – November 25-28-30, 2012)
11. Jacob’s Ladder (Live at Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – June 17-19, 2015)
12. What You’re Doing / Working Man / Garden Road (Live at the Forum, Los Angeles, California – August 1, 2015)*

LP 1 – SIDE 1
1. Not Fade Away**
2. You Can’t Fight It**
3. Working Man (Vault Edition)**
4. Need Some Love (Live at Laura Secord Secondary School, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada – May 15, 1974)**
5. Before And After (Live at Laura Secord Secondary School, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada – May 15, 1974)**

LP 1 – SIDE 2
1. Bad Boy (Live at Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, Ohio – August 26, 1974)*
2. Garden Road (Live at Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, Ohio – August 26, 1974)*
3. Anthem (Live at Electric Lady Studios, New York – December 5, 1974)*
4. Fly By Night5. Bastille Day

LP 2 – SIDE 3
1. 2112: Overture / The Temples Of Syrinx
2. By-Tor & The Snow Dog (Live at Massey Hall, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – June 11-12-13, 1976)
3. Something For Nothing (Live at Massey Hall, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – June 11-12-13, 1976)

LP 2 – SIDE 4
1. Closer To The Heart
2. Xanadu (Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, United Kingdom – February 20, 1978)
3. Drum Solo (Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, United Kingdom – February 20, 1978)

LP 3 – SIDE 5
1. The Trees (Vault Edition)*
2. La Villa Strangiato (Live at Pink Pop Festival, Burgemeester Damen Sportpark, Geleen, Netherlands – June 4, 1979)
3. In The Mood (Live at Pink Pop Festival, Burgemeester Damen Sportpark, Geleen, Netherlands – June 4, 1979)

LP 3 – SIDE 6
1. The Spirit Of Radio
2. Natural Science (Live at Manchester Apollo, Manchester, United Kingdom – June 17-18, 1980)
3. A Passage To Bangkok (Live at Manchester Apollo, Manchester, United Kingdom – June 17-18, 1980)

LP 4 – SIDE 7
1. Tom Sawyer
2. Limelight (Live at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – March 24-25, 1981)
3. Vital Signs (Live at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – March 24-25, 1981)
4. YYZ (Live at The Forum, Montreal, Quebec, Canada – March 27, 1981)

LP 4 – SIDE 8
1. Subdivisions
2. Red Sector A
3. Witch Hunt (Live at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – September 21, 1984)
4. New World Man (Live at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – September 21, 1984)

LP 5 – SIDE 9
1. The Big Money
2. Time Stand Still
3. Distant Early Warning (Live at NEC Arena, Birmingham, United Kingdom – April 21-22-23, 1988)
4. Superconductor

LP 5 – SIDE 10
1. Dreamline
2. Stick It Out
3. Test For Echo
4. The Rhythm Method (Live at World Music Theatre, Tinley Park, Illinois – June 14, 1997)

LP 6 – SIDE 11
1. One Little Victory (Remixed)
2. Cygnus X-1 (Live at Maracanã Stadium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil – November 23, 2002)
3. The Seeker
4. Between The Wheels (Live at Festhalle Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany – September 24, 2004)

LP 6 – SIDE 12
1. The Main Monkey Business
2. Workin’ Them Angels (Live at Ahoy Arena, Rotterdam, Holland – October 16-17, 2007)
3. Freewill (Live at Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio – April 15, 2011)

LP 7 – SIDE 13
1. Red Barchetta (Live at Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland, Ohio – April 15, 2011)
2. Headlong Flight
3. Manhattan Project (Live at US Airways Center, Phoenix, Arizona; American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas; AT&T Center, San Antonio, Texas – November 25-28-30, 2012)

LP 7 – SIDE 14
1. Jacob’s Ladder (Live at Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada – June 17-19, 2015)
2. What You’re Doing / Working Man / Garden Road (Live at the Forum, Los Angeles, California – August 1, 2015)

** Previously unreleased
** Previously unreleased on CD & LP

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