Warkings ft. The Queen of the Damned: Odin’s Sons

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Power metal zasedba Warkings predstavlja skladbo ‘Odin’s Sons’, na kateri brutalne vokale prispeva pevka The Queen of the Damned.

Skladba bo uvrščena na drugi studijski album skupine “Revenge”, ki izide 31. 7. 2020 pri avstrijski založbi Napalm Records. Video lahko v celoti predvajate spodaj!

Novi album je konceptualizirano nadaljevanje zgodbe s prvenca, kjer se skušajo zli demoni maščevati štirim glavnim akterjem, ki stojijo za imenom Warkings. To so Crusader, Spartan, Tribune in Viking, ki se bodo znova soočali s kupom čudes in misterijev fantazijskega sveta ter neustrašno vihteli svoje meče, ko bodo naokoli letele glave vseh grdob in kreatur zla in bo špricala kri v potokih,. Pri tem bodo morali zadržati prav vse napade razjarjenih demonov, ki jih je poslal nadnje peklenšček. Potem, ko je vse štiri člane Warkings Lord Of the Abbys že imel v krempljih, so mu ti ukradli svoje duše nazaj ter pobegnili iz pekla …

Album “Revenge” lahko že kupite v prednaročilu.

Seznam skladb na albumu “Revenge” je sledeč:

01 Freedom
02 Maximus
03 Warriors
04 Fight In The Shade
05 Odin’s Sons featuring Queen Of The Damned
06 Banners High
07 Mirror, Mirror
08 Azrael
09 Battle Of Marathon
10 Warking
dodatna skladba:
11 Sparta featuring Queen Of The Damned

Na fotografiji: Warkings med nastopom 26. 10. 2019, v graškem klubu Explosivu – RockLine fotoarhiv 2006-2020, foto: Denis Paradiž, vse pravice pridržane. Celotno RockLine recenzijo tega koncerta na katerem so v vlogi glavnega nosilca nastopili nemški power metalci Majesty, lahko preberete TUKAJ!


Driving war drums pave the way for the Vikings’ return to the battlefield with untamed will and power. The horns call for the WARKINGS – and they answer with a force capable of ending the world as all mortals know it. With growling battle cries and the brutal vocals of the Queen Of The Damned, the WARKINGS withstand the bloodthirsty furor, in which the demons of the realms of obscurity seek revenge.

The mighty WARKINGS hail to the Northern Gods and rise above as “Odin’s Sons”, to leave none of their enemies unslain. This hard-hitting anthem pushes the march against the underworld ahead – Revenge is near!

WARKINGS – Revenge:
Once, there were four ancient kings who gathered in the golden halls of Valhalla, a roman Tribune, a wild Viking, a noble Crusader and a martial Spartan. They were sent back to the living by the allfather himself to tell the stories of the epic battles they fought.
It turned out to be a great time for the WARKINGS, striking the world with their battle hymns. Keen of new adventures they made their way through the land of the living. But as the fame of the four kings rose, the envy and hate of the Underworld grew.
When the four kings escaped from the realms of darkness, they stole their souls from the lords of the Underworld. In rage, bloodthirsty demons and warriors swarmed out to retrieve what belonged to them, seeking for revenge on those who betrayed them.
But the kings strike back. Leading the constantly growing legion of their WARKINGS Warriors, they will enter the eternal fight against the darkness. Armed with new hymns and with a mighty battle cry, they will put themselves against the forces of the underworld
Hell wants revenge…and the WARKINGS are ready for battle.

Revenge will be available in the following formats:

  • Digital album
  • 1 CD Jewel Case
  • Ltd Deluxe Box (incl. Jewel Case, Poster Flag, Patch, Pendant + WK Skull Emblem in every 10th Box) – strictly limited to 300 worldwide – SOLD OUT!
  • 1LP Gatefold Red Vinyl (limited first edition)

Follow Warkings:
Napalm Records

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