Parkway Drive vnovič prestavljajo svetovno turnejo
“Tudi v tretje ne gre rado”, bi lahko rekli, za vedno bolj popularno metalcorovsko zasedbo Parkway Drive. Zaradi COVID-19 situacije svoje turneje, ki je bila napovedana za konec letošnjega leta, znova ne bodo mogli izpeljati.
Že kupljene vstopnice ostajajo v veljavi, turneja pa je prestavljena na april 2022. Upajmo da bo v naslednjem poizkusu le uspela. Obe skupini, ki podpirata Parkway Drive na turneji ostajajo še naprej Hatebreed in Crystal Lake.
Podajamo uradni izvirnik s strani Parkway Drive:
“As much as we all hoped that things would take a turn for the better this spring, it’s now obvious that the Viva The Underdogs European Revolution 2021 tour will not be able to take place.
With many (inter)national restrictions and guidelines in place, due to the fluid situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it makes any kind of international touring impossible. For these obvious reasons we would need to postpone this tour. Already purchased tickets will remain valid and we will be announcing the new dates in due time. In case of any questions, please contact your local promoter.
We remain positive, happy and excited for the future and seeing you all again sometime soon. Keep safe and look after each other.”
Jeff, Luke, Jia, Ben and Winston

Na zgornji fotografiji: Parkway Drive med nastopom 5. 8. 2019, na prizorišču Dom Im Berg (Graz, Avstrija) – RockLine fotoarhiv 2006-2021, vse pravice pridržane, foto: Denis Paradiž). RockLine recenzijo koncerta lahko preberete TUKAJ!